Eligibility Criteria:
1. Sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or corporation and must be minority-owned. Nonprofit organizations are not eligible to apply.
2. A Minority Business Enterprise is a business that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, or Native American) who are United States citizens. (Source: Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity).
2. Place of business must be located within the Greater Charlottesville community [city of Charlottesville and counties of Albemarle, Greene, Orange, Louisa and Fluvanna]
3. In business for a minimum of 12 months
4. Annual net income less than $100,000
5. No more than ten (10) employees
6. Must be an active member of the Minority Business Alliance or must join Minority Business Alliance as a member prior to receipt of any of the awarded funds. Active membership creates the highest level of benefit to the recipient and therefore requires grant awardees to:
i) Join prior to final award of the grant. Awardee will be notified of their status so they may accept and join no later than September 1, 2023.
ii) Attend a mandatory executive committee MBA orientation to be scheduled after the grants are awarded
iii) Attend a minimum of 3 meetings per year. UWGC and MBA reserve the right to reject any and all future grant applications from any recipient who does not fulfill this obligation
iv) The monetary award will be mailed to the awardees after the Executive Committee Orientation
7. Fiscal-year 2023 award recipients must wait until the next cycle (Spring/summer 2024) to apply again